作者:Sharla Hooper

Community Collaborative segment of STN show features Lynne and Fernandez discussing social capital and 伙伴关系 working to address inequities

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 President 克里斯·林恩 and 露西费尔南德斯, Manager, Solutions Design & 交货时 未来的工作 (JFF), a national nonprofit driving transformation of the U.S. 教育和劳动力系统, were featured guests of “这发生在STN” in the new season of the show produced by STN, 社会电视网络, 在凤凰城, 亚利桑那州. Lynne and Fernandez joined the show with hosts 维拉波斯莫妮卡, 首席执行官, 亚利桑那州西班牙商会, 罗宾·里德, 首席执行官, 亚利桑那州黑商会, 和埃里克·斯珀林, 首席执行官, STN, 探讨社会资本战略与社会资本的关系 伙伴关系 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和JFF的 种族经济平等中心 to create an action-based framework that outlines strategies for colleges 和雇主 to support career advancement for Black learners and workers by building professional social capital.

“我们从2021年吸取了教训 职业乐观指数® study that half of American workers don’t have an advocate in their professional life,琳恩说。. “Professional social capital opens doors and is immensely important to busy, working adult learners like our students to be successful in their careers and goals. As a career-focused university, our work with JFF is a natural fit for our mission. The framework allows us to take what we do well and put initiatives into place that build on those successes, 为我们的学生和员工.”

STN creates content that brings together community leaders to share their leadership philosophies and actionable solutions to make a difference. 7月播出, 节目的第十集, “这发生在STN,” featured the panel discussion on professional social capital in “The Community Collaborative” segment, an ongoing series which highlights actions in motion to cultivate diversity and inclusion throughout state and local communities.  

Professional social capital refers to the resources that arise from a person’s network of relationships that can help mobilize and advance education and career goals and is a crucial element in establishing racial economic 股本 in the workforce. With funding from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, JFF developed an 可操作的框架 公司, institutions and organizations can adopt and apply as a sustainable method of social capital building for their workforce and students.

“当我们开始这项研究时, so many folks were not sure how to define professional social capital, 而且常常被简化为建立关系网, which puts the burden on the learners and workers themselves,费尔南德斯说. “The framework offers meaningful guidance for companies and higher education institutions to take steps in becoming a partner to their learners and workers, 在定义, 测量, 建立社会资本.”

The findings of the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 职业学院® 2021 职业乐观指数®研究为最初的合作提供了信息, and the subsequent annual studies 2022年进行 and 2023 produced additional details to inform the framework development. The 伙伴关系 began by launching an in-depth 市场扫描 2022年进行, analyzing existing strategies for the development of professional social capital that are being implemented by community-based organizations, 高等教育机构, 非营利组织, 和雇主. 

完整的一集是 可以在这里. 了解更多 关于STN.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is continually innovating to help working adults enhance their careers in a rapidly changing world. 灵活的时间表, 相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 交互式学习, and 职业服务 for Life® commitment help students more effectively pursue career and personal aspirations while balancing their busy lives. 欲了解更多信息,请访问  凤凰城.edu.