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研究期刊 & 奖学金

卷. 第2期

This edition of the 凤凰的学者 contains a collection of 20 white papers that were released by the UOPX 职业学院 following the initial release of the Career Optimism Index.

Featured articles in this issue

  • Managing the Stress Arc: Using Evidence Based Cognitive Strategies for Training Employees in Industry to Deal with Large Scale Disaster and Rapid Change
  • American 工作ers’ Reasons for Switching Jobs

  • Belonging: A New Era in Diversity 管理 Strategy

  • Collaborative and Strategic Planning to Meet the Needs of a Multigenerational 工作force and the Organization

  • Paychecks and the Pandemic: Perceptions by Income Level

  • Career Perception of American 工作ers and Their Emotional States

  • Rethinking Occupational Stress as It Relates to the Future of 工作

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Job Market Across U.S. Major Metropolitan Areas: American 工作ers’ Perceptions

  • Reconnecting with Self and Outside Activities Add to Career Enjoyment, Happiness Levels

  • Women of Color: A Summary of Higher 教育 and Career Experiences

  • U.S. vs Italy’s Single-Payer Health System

  • Reskilling and Upskilling: Ways to Prepare and Rehire American 工作ers in the Post-Pandemic Era

  • The Impact of a Phenomenon: Women and Minorities in the 工作force and the Gender Wage Gap

  • Embracing the New Normal: Recruiting and Retaining K-12 Teachers Post-Pandemic

  • Reconnecting with Self and Outside Activities Add to Career Enjoyment, Happiness Levels

  • Online 教育 and American 工作ers’ Perceptions

  • Women and Lifelong Employability

  • COVID-19 Effects on 工作-Life Balance for 工作ing Parents, 军事 工作ers, and Veterans

  • The Importance of Collaboration Between a City Manager and Chief of Police in Today’s Society

  • Career Perception of American 工作ers: Career Statuses During the Pandemic

  • Career Pathways: Engineering Your Career to Last Decades

  • Navigating the 工作place During Covid

  • Aligning Employer and Employee Perspectives on Successful and Sustainable 工作 and Life Balance