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研究期刊 & 奖学金

卷. 第2期

Summer 2023 Special Edition: Eye on Assessments

Institutions of higher learning are not just knowledge factories; they are nurturers of critical thinking, 创造力, 和创新. But how do we ensure that the education being imparted is effective, relevant, and future-ready? Enter the summer 2023 凤凰的学者 special edition!

Take a few minutes out of your busy day to enjoy this special summer edition with Special Guest Editor Eve Krahe Billings, Ph.D. EDAC, Dean, Academic Innovation & 进化, as she and our University of Phoenix stakeholders explore the contemporary ins and outs of collegiate classroom and administration assessments.

Applicable to both secondary and higher education, the changing role of how to best assess are highlighted in several articles that feature best practices and experimental methods. In an era 在哪里 the global landscape is evolving faster than ever, the role of education in shaping future leaders and thinkers has gained even more prominence and how, 在哪里, and when to assess is an important part of the metrics and dialog shared within this issue!  不要错过!

Featured articles in this issue

  • Mindset Matters: Enhancing Grading Practice with a Mindset Check by L. 的态度
  • Summative or Formative Assessments? - That is the Question by S. N. Maatnefert
  • 设计2.0 Innovative Curriculum Initiative, Part 1: Evaluating Implementation Using the Developmental Evaluation Approach by N. L. 塔克豪斯
  • 设计2.0 Innovative Curriculum Initiative, Part 2: Findings, Effectiveness, and Recommendations by N. L. 塔克豪斯
  • Curriculum and Program Assessment and Evaluation by S. 福勒斯特
  • 越来越多的学习, 能力, and Employability Through Assessment and Assessment Feedback Practices in Higher 教育 by J. M. 朗,P. E. Darbyshire L. A. 海恩斯, & E. Kalemdaroglu-Wheeler
  • 支持ing DEI 管理 Strategies and Practices Through Robust Assessment Efforts by K. 安德伍德 & J. 弗洛勒斯
  • Feedback Strategies and Modalities in Online Higher 教育 by A. 拉森,M. Kebritchi, M. Vianna, & E. 年轻的
  • Knowledge Without Boundaries Research Summit
  • Upcoming Events and 工作shops