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Innovative 研究 supporting human capital and driving organizational growth

研究椅子: Dr. 金伯利米. 安德伍德

高级研究员: Dr. 桑德拉Sessoms-Penny

高级研究员: Dr. 快乐泰勒


的 工作场所多样性和包容性研究中心 (CWDIR) serves as the 研究 home for faculty, 学生及校友 who have an expressed interest or have an existing 研究 agenda related to the topics of diversity, 股本, 包容与归属(DEIB) in workplaces and communities of practice.

作为多样性, 股本, 包容与归属(DEIB) 研究 encompasses a broad range of possible 研究 topics, the Center brings together scholars across various disciplines to support existing 研究 agendas and generate new and innovative ideas for future 研究 and scholarship.

的 Center seeks to create a progressive community of scholarship by providing collegiality, 为教师提供支持和资源, 学生及校友. Opportunities for 研究 are cultivated and supported in a variety of ways within the Center, including establishing direct affiliation with the Center and its articulated 研究 and scholarship agenda, serving as an advisor or contributor or serving as a Fellow-in-Residence for the Center.

For more information on 研究 and scholarship opportunities or Center membership, 请直接发邮件给我们 workplacediversity@bobbyingano.com.

您也可以完成 CWDIR会员申请表格 供会员考虑.

Dr. 金伯利安德伍德


Dr. 金伯利安德伍德

Dr. 金伯利安德伍德 has over two decades of experience in the areas of diversity and inclusion leadership, 战略规划和项目管理, 专业发展及培训, 教学, 咨询, 研究, 大学认证领导, 以及高等教育管理. 

Dr. 桑德拉Sessoms-Penny


Dr. 桑德拉Sessoms-Penny

Dr. 快乐泰勒


Dr. 快乐泰勒

的 工作场所多样性和包容性研究中心 (CWDIR) has a dual mission to:

  • 支持 the growth of existing and developing 研究 and scholarship agendas aimed at addressing vital topics, issues and challenges within diverse organizational cultures and inclusion strategies
  • 关闭 the gap between academia and industry through intersections of problem finding and problem solving, academic scholarship and practitioner engagement plus theoretic analytics and practical implementation

的 vision of the 工作场所多样性和包容性研究中心 (CWDIR) is to be the leading generator of impactful 研究-based publications and presentations that lead to practical and innovative solutions for healthy, 全方位的组织文化.

的 工作场所多样性和包容性研究中心 (CWDIR) serves as a conduit for the dissemination of groundbreaking and innovative 研究 findings from UOPX faculty and student scholars to stakeholders interested in gaining theoretical and applied knowledge for the purpose of supporting diverse organizational cultures and creating all-inclusive working environments.

目标 for the 工作场所多样性和包容性研究中心 (CWDIR) 包括:

  • Creating a center of choice for a community of scholars interested in diversity and inclusion 研究 and scholarship
  • 支持ing members in the dissemination of their 研究 and scholarship through academic presentations and publications
  • Providing resources to enhance the skills of faculty and students to conduct 研究 and generate scholarship related to the latest essential topics in the field of diversity, 股本, 包容与归属(DEIB)
  • Building a broad and shared collection of scholarship through close partnerships with business leaders and other stakeholders


的 Fellows in Residence role has been designed to usher in the potentials of like-minded 研究ers who desire to become part of the 研究 enterprise. 各研究中心于2020年实施了自愿角色, and has since grown the cadre of fellows who work within each center. We continue to invite those who are interested in becoming fellows to reach out to each center for more information.





领导的研究 & 组织研究


  • 领导的研究
  • 组织策略
  • 产业组织研究
  • 变革性的学习



  • 教与学
  • 在线和面对面的教育
  • 教育技术与策略
  • 教育政策、实践和理论